sábado, 4 de julho de 2009

Bruce Lee's Workouts 3 - First Program (1965)


Já está no YouTube o terceiro vídeo da série de vídeos sobre os programas de musculação do Bruce Lee! Para acessá-los, clique no link abaixo.

Abraços! Deus te abençoe!

There is already on YouTube the third video of the video series about Bruce Lee's workouts! To see it, click in the link below.

Thanks! God bless you!

Bruce Lee's Workouts 3 - First Program (1965)

Armegil Momergil

Note: I decided to post just the link here, not the video, so I will be able to watch how many people watch wich video and have more "control" about this, viewing if they are beeing usefull or not.

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